Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Donors Choose Rocks!

Such an exciting week! Last week I submitted a grant to Donors Choose. My project, "Lights, Camera, Stop-Motion: Student-Created Lego Movies" asked for iPod Touches for my class to make movies in class. To my surprise, Disney fully funded it in less than a week. My iPods arrived earlier this week. Donors Choose encouraged me to submit another project because Chevron was looking to fund projects for Orange County teachers. I asked if I could submit the same grant again (since I wanted more iPods for my project). They said I could. So, I did... and guess what... Chevron came through for me and fully funded three more iPods for my class tonight. I am now up to 5 iPods! I am overwhelmed with the generosity of these companies. My students are going to have such a great time making movies! I definitely encourage all of my teacher friends to submit projects to Donors Choose. It's easy and you might just get something great!


  1. Congrats on your fully funded projects! That is SO excited!

    I just received two IPods from Donors choose to use during math and reading centers a few weeks ago. My students are eating them up.

    I love the idea of having the students create movies. I'd love to hear more about how you have them do that.

    -The Frizz

  2. I set up my Donor's Choose acct., but I'm scared to set up a project. I know it sounds childish, but I think I just don't want it to go unfunded! I want to get ipad's or ipad touch's so I can use QR codes and allow my students to utilize more technology in my classroom. I want them to be able to make movies, record themselves reading books and publish their writings. I also want my kiddos to use wordle to create bio poems this year instead of the standard look. I'd also LOVE,LOVE,LOVE a ladybug!!!!!!! Seriously, I have so many kids who need glasses and cannot see the board. Hum...maybe I'll bite the bullet this weekend! Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. You HAVE to submit your project. It's the best way to get what you want. Don't be scared!
