A lot is happening in my little corner of the world though. My class is starting our Lego stop motion movies using the iPod touches I acquired through grants from the Assistance League of HB, Disneyland, Chevron, Kids in Need Foundation, Huntington Beach Educational Foundation and a classroom donation. We are using Stop Motion Studio and iMovie to help us make these fun projects. We are going to have a red-carpet premiere in May for our parents and families.
We just finished our second round of Benchmark testing for our district. I am proud to say, my student showed improvement and I am a proud teacher! We learned from our first Benchmark and made some changes to our game plan and it helped! We still have a ways to go, but we are making great strides toward mastery of our standards.
I just installed Apple TV in my classroom. I love that I can show my iPad on the SMARTBoard and instruct students using apps and other iPad tools. We can also listen to music, watch instructional videos and tap into other great instructional materials.
I started using SMART Response Clickers in my classroom over a year ago. However, I never really started using them until last week. I had the opportunity to attend a training class at CCS Presentations by the awesome Nicole. I learned so many great things I can do with the clickers. They have now become an integral part of my instructional plan. The kids love using them and I love having data throughout the day to drive my instruction and make decisions about student knowledge and outcomes. If you haven't seen what these can do and how they can help you and your students, you should really check it out! Here is a video that will give you an idea of what it's all about. So awesome!
Well, that's about all... I will try not to stay away so long next time. Just having fun doing my thing!

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